Discover “Spirits Ambassador”
International Medium Grace Kennedy
Hi I'm Grace
Your Personal International:
Medium, Clairvoyant, Psychic

I keep my pricing simple and include everything you need:
30 - 60 Minute Psychic Readings
In Person and Video Psychic Readings
Individual Psychic Reading ONLY
UK & International Clients
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24 Hour Cancellation Required *
Payment: Face to Face | Cash or Bankers Draft
Payment: Video Readings | Credit / Debit Card
Your Psychic Reading | Your Way
Special offer! Your Psychic Reading Recorded - FREE!
Your Psychic Reading Recorded - FREE!
A lot of the time, clients are so emotional that they may miss some of the important things within their psychic reading. So, to make sure you don't miss out, I record readings in a .wav format and emailing them to your given email address within 24 Hours upon request. (Usually within 3 hours but just in case. Also check your junk folder as they may slip in there.)
About International
Medium, Clairvoyant, Psychic Grace Kennedy
I was born in Glasgow in the Mid 1950's the elder of two daughters to Mum Grace and Dad George. I have an interesting past as my mum was adopted, she actually has Greek in her blood too. At about the age of 10, the prudential man came to the door to collect his usual weekly insurance money and I told my mother "That man will die soon". I obviously got a good telling off for being naughty, needless to say there was a new insurance man the following week. My first Psychic experience.
I have gone on to become one of Essex's best-known
Medium, Clairvoyant, Psychics , appearing at Spiritualist Churches, and Clairvoyant Events around the home counties from the age of 35 as well as carrying out my private readings from home and am fully prepared for your visit in line with Covid 19 restrictions or to carry out your reading via the Internet.
I do my readings each Tuesday to Saturday morning as well as Tuesday and Thursday evenings as I have a very busy Spiritual life, as well as my home life with 6 children and 8 beautiful grandchildren. It was once said that I was the first "Ambassador for Spirit" and work hard to ensure that the next generation of Mediums, Psychics and Clairvoyants work as hard to bring respect, responsibility and reverence to their fledgling gifts as representatives of Spirit.

My Charity Work
Over the years I have worked tirelessly for national charities as well as doing many Charity Evenings to raise money, but I much prefer to work closer to home within the community like BOPH, they are a great charity working to improve the lives for the physically disabled and handicapped and you can help too by finding out more here. I have also raised money for people like Bill who was a veteran of the Falkland's war, he needed a mobility car and we raised £1,500 in one evening for his car. There is always so much more that we can do. Here's some of my favourites.
A Personal Message From Grace
I can honestly say I have loved working for Spirit as a
Medium, Clairvoyant, Psychic for the best part of my adult life. It seems amazing now after all this time when as a young girl my wonderful guide "Bessie" came to me and showed me what I could do with her Spirit Friends to help others using my wonderful gift to bring hope and peace from those that have gone before us. And Bessie is with me to this day. (She's a smelly little tramp by the way, but that's a story for another day)
Our lives are full of ups and downs, it's how you react to the downs that determines how strong we are and can be. The one thing that never ceases to amaze me is that those that suffer the most cope with life so much better.
Stay safe, love each other and let your light shine.
G Kennedy