If you've booked a Face to Face Reading with me and the National Lockdown being imposed by the UK Government, I am making it easy for you switch to having either a FaceTime or WhatsApp Video Reading so that you may still enjoy your reading however it will need to be carried out remotely rather that at my Home Garden Office.
Please follow the following easy to understand steps.

Step One
Return to my website Click Here or type into your browser https://www.grace-kennedy.co.uk/grace-kennedy-medium-sign-in/
You will be presented with the following screen

Step Two
Please Sign In using your given Email Address and password. You will now be Logged In

Step three
You can now create a New Booking or view all your Readings. Click on "Your Bookings" to view your list of booking. Select the Face to Face Reading you wish to change and click on it. Your booking will appear as below.

Step Four
Select "Change"

You can now choose a FaceTime or WhatsApp reading and click on the "BOOK" button.
You can now proceed to the calendar and finally payment area to allow you to securely pay online using your Credit/Debit Card.
Should you require additional assistance please message me and I will arrange help.
god bless
Grace Kennedy