Funeral Service | Celebrant

Did you know that I also conduct Spiritualist and Humanist Funeral Services and have over the years approached this side of my life quietly in the background.

However, I have over recent years found that it is very important, just like when I am conducting my Readings and Church Services to listen to what our Spirit friends are telling me and now find that they wish for me to make this side of my Services more widely available.

So, what is a Spiritualist Funeral Service or a Humanist Funeral Service?

Firstly, not many people understand that Spiritualism is a Religion with underlying Christian like services, to better understand I suggest to look at the Spiritualist National Union's Website to get a fuller view.

Secondly, a Humanist Service is principally NON RELIGIOUS. You may conduct the Service with no infringement from Religious doctrine. However, if you wish to have prayers or hymns of course you may. It is entirely your free will.

What happens when you conduct a Funeral Service?

Once I have been contacted to carry out a service I arrange with the family or representative of the deceased to discuss what they want, the timescale and the content. Also I like to talk with as many members of the family and/or friends to understand the individuals personality, quirks and lifestyle along with their interests, working life and passions. If required, I will offer whatever advice is needed and liaise with the Funeral Directors and any other formal bodies necessary to assist in the smooth transition of the individual.

Within a short agreed timescale, I will draft a personalised Service and present it for approval/consideration, and discuss any changes or amendments needed. I am always available to talk to and will often visit with the family afterwards to see if I can help in the grieving process.

A simple Service may contain but not limited to:

  • Introductory music
  • Words of welcome, together with an Opening Prayer if applicable.
  • Thoughts on life and death from a either a Spiritual or non-religious perspective
  • The tribute – an outline of the life and personality of the person who has died
  • Readings of poetry and prose
  • Reflection – a few moments for private thoughts about the person who has died, either in silence or accompanied by music
  • The committal – when the curtains are closed or coffin lowered
  • Closing words – including thanks on your behalf
  • Final music

Remember, every service is individual and personal to you. I am here to help and advice, and of course, advice is free.

Contact Me To Discuss

If you are in that unfortunate position of preparing to make arrangements for someone you care for, please do not hesitate in contacting me. I am here to help.

Medium Grace Kennedy Canvey Island