Welcome to the world of psychic mediumship, where the realms of the seen and unseen converge. As a psychic medium with over 30 years of experience, I have witnessed countless awe-inspiring connections between the living and the spirit world. It is through the refinement and enhancement of our innate intuition that we are able to bridge this gap and offer guidance, comfort, and healing to those seeking it.
In this blog post, I will share with you the tools and techniques that have served me well throughout my journey as a psychic medium. These practices have allowed me to strengthen my intuitive abilities, deepen my connection with spirit, and provide more profound readings for my clients. So, let's delve into the psychic medium's toolbox and discover how you can enhance your own intuition.
Section 1: Meditation and Mindfulness

In the realm of psychic mediumship, cultivating inner stillness through meditation and mindfulness is a foundational practice. Meditation allows us to quiet the incessant chatter of the mind and create space for spirit to communicate. By setting aside dedicated time each day for meditation, we can tap into our intuitive abilities and attune ourselves to the subtle energies around us.
In your meditation practice, find a quiet and comfortable space where you can sit or lie down without distractions. Close your eyes and focus on your breath, allowing it to become slow and deep. As you become more relaxed, envision a serene and peaceful environment, such as a tranquil garden or a serene beach. Invite spirit to join you in this sacred space, opening yourself to their guidance and messages.
Through regular meditation, you will not only enhance your intuitive abilities but also develop a deeper sense of self-awareness. This heightened awareness will enable you to recognize and trust the subtle whispers of spirit in your daily life.
Section 2: Strengthening Psychic Senses - The Power of Clairvoyance

One of the primary psychic senses utilized by mediums is clairvoyance, the ability to see beyond the physical realm. This psychic sense allows us to visualize symbols, images, or even entire scenes that convey messages from spirit.
To strengthen your clairvoyant abilities, begin by practicing visualization exercises. Close your eyes and imagine a simple object, such as an apple or a feather. Picture every detail of the object in your mind's eye—its shape, color, texture, and even its scent. As you become more adept at visualizing objects, gradually progress to visualizing more complex scenes and symbols.
Another effective technique to enhance clairvoyance is the use of divination tools like tarot or oracle cards. These cards serve as visual prompts, stimulating your clairvoyant abilities and facilitating communication with spirit. As you draw cards, pay attention to the images and symbols that resonate with you intuitively. Trust your inner guidance and allow the cards to reveal profound insights and messages.
Remember, clairvoyance is not limited to seeing with your physical eyes but rather with your mind's eye or "third eye." Regular practice and an open mind will help you refine this psychic sense and deepen your connection to the spirit world.
Section 3: Sensing Energy - The Power of Clairsentience

Clairsentience, or the ability to sense energy, is another valuable tool in the psychic medium's toolbox. This psychic sense allows us to perceive the emotions, energies, and intentions of both the living and the spirit world.
To enhance your clairsentient abilities, practice tuning in to the energy of people and places. In a quiet environment, close your eyes and focus on your body's sensations. Pay attention to any physical or emotional responses that arise as you encounter different energies. For example, when you enter a room, notice if you feel a sense of calm or unease. Similarly, when interacting with others, be aware of any shifts in your own energy or emotions.
Developing your clairsentient abilities also involves cultivating empathy and compassion. By understanding and relating to the experiences of others, you can tap into the energetic imprints left behind and gain deeper insights into their lives. Engage in acts of kindness, practice active listening, and seek to understand different perspectives. These actions will not only enhance your clairsentient abilities but also promote healing and connection in your interactions with others.
Section 4: Clearing and Protecting Your Energy Field

As psychic mediums, it is crucial to maintain a clear and protected energy field. By doing so, we create a safe and sacred space for spirit communication while ensuring our own well-being.
One effective method for clearing and protecting your energy field is through aura cleansing. The aura, an energetic field that surrounds your body, can become congested with stagnant or negative energies over time. To cleanse your aura, imagine a shower of pure white light cascading over you, washing away any energetic debris. Alternatively, you can envision a gentle breeze sweeping through your aura, dispersing any negativity.
In addition to aura cleansing, establishing energetic boundaries is essential for protecting your energy field. Visualize a strong and impenetrable shield of light surrounding you, acting as a barrier against any unwanted energies or influences. You can also call upon spiritual guides or protective beings to assist you in maintaining this energetic shield.
Remember to regularly cleanse and protect your energy field, especially before engaging in psychic mediumship work. This practice will help you maintain a clear and receptive channel for spirit communication, while safeguarding your own energy and well-being.
Section 5: Working with Spirit Guides - Nurturing Divine Connections

As psychic mediums, we have the privilege of working alongside our spirit guides, who serve as intermediaries between the realms. These spiritual beings offer guidance, wisdom, and support as we navigate the world of mediumship.
To nurture your connections with your spirit guides, establish a daily practice of communication and gratitude. Find a quiet space, light a candle, and invite your guides to join you in meditation. Focus on cultivating a sense of openness and receptivity as you seek their presence and guidance. Trust the impressions, thoughts, or images that come to your mind during this process, as they may be messages from your guides.
Expressing gratitude to your spirit guides is also vital in fostering a strong bond. Take a moment each day to acknowledge their presence and thank them for their guidance and assistance. This act of gratitude reinforces the connection between you and your spirit guides, deepening the trust and mutual support.
Remember, your spirit guides are there to assist and guide you in your journey as a psychic medium. Cultivating and nurturing these divine connections will enrich your mediumship practice and bring forth profound insights and messages from the spirit world.
Section 6: Developing Psychic Hearing - The Art of Clairaudience

Clairaudience, or psychic hearing, is a psychic sense that allows mediums to receive messages through auditory perceptions. By developing your clairaudient abilities, you can attune yourself to the subtle whispers and guidance from the spirit world.
To enhance your clairaudient abilities, practice active listening in your everyday life. Pay attention to the sounds and messages that arise around you. Notice if certain words, phrases, or melodies catch your attention and resonate with your intuition. Trust the guidance that comes through these auditory cues, as they may be messages from spirit.
Another effective technique for developing clairaudience is automatic writing. Set aside time each day to sit with a pen and paper, and invite spirit to communicate with you through writing. Clear your mind and allow the words to flow effortlessly onto the paper, without judgment or self-editing. Automatic writing can serve as a powerful channel for receiving messages from the spirit world, especially for those who resonate with clairaudience.
As you continue to practice and refine your clairaudient abilities, remember to trust in the messages you receive. Have faith in your connection with spirit and the guidance they provide. With time and dedication, you will develop a profound ability to hear and convey messages from the spirit world.
Section 7: Trusting Your Intuition - The Key to Authentic Mediumship

The foundation of authentic mediumship lies in trusting your intuition. As a psychic medium, your intuition is your compass, guiding you to the truth and allowing you to convey messages with clarity and integrity.
To cultivate trust in your intuition, practice listening to your inner voice in all aspects of your life. Pay attention to the subtle nudges, gut feelings, or intuitive insights that arise. Trust your initial impressions and the guidance they provide, even if they may not make logical sense at first. The more you acknowledge and act upon your intuitive guidance, the stronger and more reliable it becomes.
It is also crucial to maintain a state of openness and non-judgment in your mediumship practice. Allow the messages and impressions to flow freely, without filtering or censoring them based on personal biases or preconceived notions. Trust that the information you receive is meant to serve the highest good of the recipient, even if it may not immediately make sense to you.
By honing your intuition and trusting its guidance, you will deepen your connection with spirit and deliver authentic and transformative readings for those seeking spiritual guidance and healing.
In the psychic medium's toolbox, intuition reigns supreme. Through meditation, visualization, energy sensing, spirit guide connections, and the development of clairvoyance, clairsentience, clairaudience, and trust in your intuitive abilities, you can enhance your mediumship practice and offer profound guidance to others.
Remember, the journey of a psychic medium is one of constant growth and refinement. Embrace the process, trust in your abilities, and nurture the sacred connections you forge with the spirit world. As you open yourself